Write for Us

Hey there! We’re always on the hunt for fresh voices and new perspectives in the iGaming world. If you’ve got an idea that will engage our readers and push the industry boundaries, we’re eager to hear from you. No need to wait for that groundbreaking thought—just bring us your unique take on something that excites you.

Let’s be honest: writing for iGaming News is no walk in the park. We want your article to shine, and we’ll work closely with you to make that happen. Once your piece is accepted, you’ll get in-depth feedback from our team, and you’ll collaborate with an editor to polish your work.

But trust us, it’s worth it. Thousands of industry professionals (and potential employers, clients, or publishers) will read your work, and you’ll gain valuable insights about writing, communication, and your chosen topic.

What We’re Looking For

  • Submit a rough draft, partial draft, or a short pitch (a paragraph or two summarizing your main idea and why it matters to our readers) paired with an outline.
  • We only accept original content—please don’t send us anything that’s been published elsewhere, including on your blog.
  • Press releases or sales pitches are a no-go; they make us sad.

Before you submit, check out our style guide and recent articles to get a feel for how to structure and format your piece. Make sure your submission:

  • Has a clear thesis and argument—not just a list of tips.
  • Has a strong voice. Be bold, interesting, and human.
  • Is aimed at an audience of iGaming professionals, such as designers, developers, content strategists, and more.
  • Is supported by solid arguments and facts—opinion is fine, but back it up with evidence.
  • Follows our style guide.

For some wise words on writing, check out “Writing is Thinking” and “So You Want to Write an Article?” to avoid common pitfalls and improve your submission.

What We Publish

We publish articles ranging from 600 to 2,500 words, depending on the topic’s complexity. Around 1,500 words is typical. Articles often come with custom illustrations and can be casual or highly structured. Regardless of style, they should be well-considered explorations of current and cutting-edge topics in the iGaming industry.

How to Submit (and What Happens Next)

Email us your submission. We prefer Google documents so our editors can give feedback directly within your draft. You can also send us a plaintext file, Markdown file, or a link to an HTML document. Please don’t send a ZIP file of assets unless requested.

Here’s what happens after you hit send:

  1. An editor will review your submission and determine if it’s a potential fit. If so, the whole team will review and discuss it. This happens once a week.
  2. The editor will gather the team’s feedback and get back to you with notes. (We rarely accept an article on the first go, but we’ll tell you if we’re interested.)
  3. Once you’ve addressed our comments, send your revised draft back. The team will discuss it again and let you know if we want to accept it.
  4. If we accept your article, an editor will work closely with you on things like organization, argumentation, and style.
  5. We’ll schedule your article for publication as soon as revisions are complete. We can’t give you a specific publication date until the article is almost ready to go live.

Send it to writeforus (@) igamingnews.net

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